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     The number of fat cells in the adult human body is constant. After puberty, the number of fat cells does not increase, but the volume of fat cells increases. This results in weight gain. Nutritional habits and lifestyle are the most important factors in gaining weight.

Proper diet and exercise and a regular lifestyle are essential for getting rid of excess weight. However, even those who meet these conditions may have stubborn fat deposits that do not disappear. Certain areas of the body such as abdomen, waist, hips, thighs, outer and inner sides, knees are areas of fat accumulation are resistant to diet and exercise. Excessive lubrication in these areas is somewhat alleviated by diet and exercise, More exercise and diet will result in degradation of the general metabolism of the body rather than thinning these regions.

What is Liposuction?

     Liposuction is an operation whereby fat deposits in certain parts of the body are absorbed by a special vacuum or with special injectors, removing fats from the body. It is definitely not a slimming surgery. It is a body contour correction surgery. With this surgery, dietary and exercise-resistant fatty tissue is removed from the body. The number of fat cells available is also reduced.

     In liposuction surgery, the persistent oil zone is inflated by injection of a special liquid. Then a few cuts are made on the region or near a few mm in length. Depending on the patient's condition, metal tubes with a diameter of 2-6 mm are inserted into the subcutaneous layer. Vacuum device works, removal of excess oils starts. Absorption of fat through the vacuum process continues until the desired body has a smooth skin surface. In recent years, ultrasound energy has been used. In this method, excess fat tissues are broken down by ultrasound waves, then they are removed in a similar manner in vacuum.

     Although liposuction is used to remove excessively stubborn fat from deeper layers, it is possible to remove the fat deposits which causes contour irregularity by the method called superficial liposuction or liposculpture developed in the last 10 years. Liposculpture technique has also become a definitive result in the removal of skin impurities and destruction of persistent cellulite.          

     Surgery is performed under hospital conditions in the operating room and under the supervision of anesthesiologist. Local anesthesia and sedation combination are preferred. In very limited small areas, only local anesthesia can be applied. The operation takes between 1-5 hours depending on the condition of the regions to be applied vacuum. The cannula inlet holes are usually not sewn or 1-2 stitches are placed. Sometimes using special cannula holes, special thin tubes are used to drain the accumulated serum. Depending on the duration of the operation, it is possible to leave the hospital on the same day or 24 hours after.

     Patients are  usually comfortable after surgery. The pain is very low and can be controled with painkillers. At the end of the operation, a special bandage is applied to the areas and the patient is being put on a special corset. Patient wears corset for 5-6 weeks. May be purplish color changes in vacuum applied areas. There may be swelling, tingling and burning sensation. They disappear spontaneously within 3 weeks. Surgical scars also become vague in 2-6 months.

Which areas are suitable for liposuction?

     Under the chin, cheeks, neck, upper arm of the arm, breasts, breast, abdomen, waist, hip, thigh, knee inner side, as well as the back of the leg in the body has become possible to take fat deposits in many areas. In addition, other body contour correction surgery (tummy tuck, breast reduction, etc.) is used as a complementary operation.

Does the trace remain after liposuction?

     The entrance holes of the cannulae (metal tubes engaged in liposuction) are usually 2-4 mm. The remaining traces are imperceptible. The traces in this surgery are negligible.


How many liters of oil can be taken at a time? Can liposuction be done again?

     Up to 4-5 liters of oil can be removed without disturbing the patient's balance and body functions. But there are more areas of fluid and blood. If the area is wide, the patient may be reoperated with 3-6 month intervals.

     If you are struggling for years with sports, gym, all kinds of pills for weight loss or special expensive diet planns and tutors who did not do anything for your body, this is a solution for you which can help you solve the accumulation of fats which cannot be controled by sports or diet changing. Book an appointment today or simply call us for all the advices or any questions about the surgery. Get yourself the long desired body shape without expensive diet plans or long hours in gym.