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What is Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal treatment (also known as endodontic treatment) is necessary when the inside of the tooth (pulp) and surrounding area becomes infected. 

What happens during your treatment?

Your dentist will:
Remove the infected or damaged tissue inside the tooth
Clean and disinfect the area
Fill and seal the space using advanced materials

Depending on the strength of the remaining structure post treatment, the tooth will require either a filling or a crown.

I need root canal therapy, what happens if I don’t get treated?

Infection in the pulp chamber might jump next to the bone and might cause abscess. Root canal therapy aims treating the infection by cleaning the pulp and filling the root canal with medical material.

If untreated, it might result in tooth and bone loss.

Is a root canal really necessary?

Like other infections, an infected pulp of the tooth will not heal on its own, it will only get worse, so a root canal is the recommended treatment. 

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