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What are Dentures?

Dentures are replacements for missing teeth that can be taken out and put back into your mouth.

Partial dentures;

Partial dentures are used if you still have some healthy teeth available.These dentures are often clipped around the remaining healthy teeth.

Full dentures;

Full dentures are used if you’ve lost all of your teeth, which may occur due to injury, infection, periodontitis, or other medical condition. False teeth adhesive can be used to help keep your dentures in place.

Removable dentures;

Removable dentures are the traditional model, and they come with a big added benefit of being easier to clean.

Removable dentures typically last about five years before they need to be replaced.

Flexible dentures;

Flexible dentures are a popular alternative to traditional dentures, and they’re made with flexible but extremely durable materials that can be more comfortable to wear.