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Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is known as sleeve gastrectomy in the medical literature and as gastric reduction surgery in the colloquial language. It is the most frequently performed bariatric surgery in our country and in the world. In sleeve gastrectomy surgery, 80 percent of the stomach is removed through holes of 0.5 cm in the anterior abdominal wall without making a large incision. Since the remaining 20 percent resembles a tube, it is called sleeve gastrectomy surgery. This closed intervention is called laparoscopic surgery.

The fundus part is included in 80% of the surgically removed part. Fundus is the area where the hunger hormone is secreted. In other words, with sleeve gastrectomy surgery, both the stomach volume is reduced and the feeling of hunger is reduced. On the other hand, it also has an absorption-reducing effect, although not as much as gastric bypass.

Before all bariatric surgeries, there are a number of procedures that must be applied to investigate suitability for surgery. For example, a person who will undergo bariatric surgery must comply with the body mass index (BMI) data determined by the World Health Organization. BMI; It is obtained by dividing the person's weight by the square of their height. Each result has categories such as underweight, normal weight, obese, and extremely obese. In order to have obesity surgery, the result must be 40 and above. If there are additional diseases other than obesity, it is sufficient to have a result of 35 and above. You can go to our BMI calculation page to easily calculate your body mass index.

In order to have bariatric surgery, apart from BMI qualification, one must be over 11 years old, have no alcohol problems, and be of sound mind. Children under the age of 11 are definitely not operated on, and we do not recommend them for children under the age of 16.

How is Tube Stomach Surgery Performed?

Gastric sleeve surgery is performed by laparoscopic method. Laparoscopic surgery is a closed surgical technique. As in open surgeries, 10-15 cm incisions are not opened. Instead, a few 0.5 cm holes are made and the camera and treatment tools are sent to the abdomen through these holes. On the one hand, the surgeon monitors the operating area from the high-resolution monitor in front of him, and on the other hand, the treatment is performed. Thanks to this technique, the surgery is more comfortable and safe, and the post-operative process is more painless and faster. In the operation performed under general anesthesia, 80 percent of the stomach is removed with the help of staplers and in the light of the tube sent. The most important point of the surgery is to control the bleeding in the suture line after the stomach is removed. In order to determine whether there is any leakage in the suture line, the stomach is inflated with the help of special dyes. After the controls, the tube sent at the beginning of the surgery is removed and the drainage system is placed.

Advantages of Tube Stomach Surgery

Since the stomach volume is reduced, saturation is provided with less food. The belief that life-long eating habits are restricted after surgery is not true; everything is edible.

With the removal of the hormone ghrelin, which we call the hunger hormone, the desire to eat decreases.

Since no operation is performed on the intestines, there are no risks such as bleeding, leakage or obstruction.

It takes less time than most bariatric surgeries. It takes an average of 1 hour.

Requires less hospital stay.

There is no foreign body placed in the body.

Absorption is not interfered with. Therefore, vitamin and mineral deficiencies occur less frequently.

After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The postoperative period is more comfortable thanks to laparoscopic surgery. Because of the small incisions, less pain is felt and faster healing is achieved. It is necessary to stay in the hospital for 3 days after the operation. After the controls and examinations made during this time, the patient is sent home. After about 1 week, they can handle their simple daily work. The ideal time to fully return to the old life is 1 month. Controls are made at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. It is expected to lose 20 kilos on average in the first month. At the end of 1 year, 70-80 percent of excess weight can be lost.