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What is Gastric Balloon and How is it Applied?

     Gastric balloon application is a procedure that provides a feeling of early satiety as a result of a balloon-shaped material placed in the stomach occupying space in the stomach and, as a result, reduces food intake. It has been applied since 1985 in the treatment of obesity disease.

How is Gastric Balloon Application Made?

     Materials used for gastric balloon vary from silicone polymers to gelatin capsules. After the necessary anesthesia is applied to the patients, it is applied by placing the deflated balloon material in the stomach under the guidance of endoscopy and then inflating it appropriately. It is inflated with liquid or air according to its materials. The duration of the balloon placed in the stomach in the patient varies according to the brand, but most of them stay for 6 months.

     The balloon material, which has completed its effect period, is taken out of the stomach after it is entered into the stomach and deflated endoscopically.

What is the Advantage of Gastric Balloon?

     The advantage of gastric balloon application compared to other applications is the preservation of the structure of the stomach. When the gastric balloon is fully inflated, it delays gastric emptying. Inflatable balloons may not delay gastric emptying, but they act with stretch receptors in the stomach wall.

What are the Side Effects of Gastric Balloon?

     The most common side effects in those weakened by gastric balloon are abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. More serious gastric balloon side effects have been reported at lower rates. An issue that should be mentioned in this regard, especially in the first few days after balloon placement, with excessive retching and vomiting, may be situations where the patient cannot tolerate the balloon and needs to be removed. Although it is applied in patients who have not exceeded the surgical limit, it can be applied before the surgery in order to lose weight quickly in order to enter the surgery with a lower weight.

In Which Situations Is The Gastric Balloon Not Applied?

     Similar to stomach botox, there are some situations that prevent the application of gastric balloon in addition to the simplicity and ease of application. These include stomach ulcers, extreme gastritis, previous gastric and esophageal surgery, large gastric hernias, and heart-lung diseases and bleeding disorders that make endoscopy risky.

When Will I Lose Weight After Gastric Balloon Application?

     Those who use a gastric balloon, the highest weight loss after the application is in the first 3 months. After the balloon is removed at the end of the 6th month, the most important factor for the patient to maintain the weight he has achieved is to acquire proper nutrition awareness and culture and adapt to a lifestyle change accordingly. For this reason, the continuation of this process under the supervision of a psychologist together with a nutrition and diet specialist helps to provide the highest benefit. If these are not provided, it is possible to return to the old weights.