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     Hair transplantation, which is the process of regaining the lost hair due to many reasons, is one of the most preferred aesthetic applications all over the world.

     Although the hair transplantation application, which consists of 3 stages in general, seems to be a difficult process, it also brings very successful results when the rules to be followed are observed. In this context, experts point out that the points to be considered after hair transplantation are of vital importance. In order to get the best and healthy efficiency after hair transplantation, it is important to follow some rules, especially the first 48 hours.

     Hair transplantation operations, which are frequently applied by people suffering from hair loss and baldness, provide positive results both physically and psychologically. The process after hair transplantation is as important as hair transplantation operations that restore self-confidence to the person. At this point, people should not touch the treated area for the first 48 hours. People who want to have hair transplantation should pay attention to some rules after the operation as well as before the operation. Because in the first 48 hours, hair follicles can be damaged as easily as they are sensitive. Therefore, the operated area should be protected from all kinds of contact for the first 48 hours.

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