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Lip filling is one of the most demanded...

Increasing emphasis on the sharp jaw line on social media is leading both men and women to treatments that will accentuate the facial oval. Filling applications that highlight the jaw line will be very popular this year.

In order to make the eye area appear brighter and younger, mesotherapy with specially prepared ingredients and treatments using radiofrequency energy such as 'frozen eyes' are preferred.

Applications that increase skin quality will be preferred more. These include skin nourishing injections such as vitamins, minerals and moisture vaccines, applications that make the skin surface smoother such as 'dermapen' and 'coollaser', and procedures to remove skin blemishes.

Eyebrows, eyes playing

Lip augmentation applications are still at the top of the most demanded aesthetic procedures.

The thin waist and wide hip look emphasized by famous fashion brands has become popular in recent years. Butt implants or surgeries that increase the volume of the butt with fat taken from the person's own body will remain in the list of the most performed plastic surgeries in 2022.

One of the most requested surgeries in recent years has been the combination of breast and abdominal surgery, also called 'maternity aesthetics'.

The 'temporal lift' or 'ponytail lift' surgeries, which pull the eyebrows and eye corners upwards, raise the eyebrows and upper face with incisions made through the hair and provide a younger appearance.

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